- addRef
int addRef()
- clearMessageCallback
void clearMessageCallback()
Clears the message callback
- createContext
ScriptContext createContext()
Creates a new script context
- discardModule
void discardModule(string name)
Discards a module by name
Note: Any class instances of the module in question will be rendered invalid.
- getDefaultNamespace
string getDefaultNamespace()
Gets the default namespace
- getEnumCount
asUINT getEnumCount()
Gets the amount of enums registered
- getFunctionById
Function getFunctionById(int funcId)
Get a function by its ID in the engine
- getGlobalFunctionByDecl
Function getGlobalFunctionByDecl(string decl)
Gets a global function by its declaration
- getGlobalFunctionByIndex
Function getGlobalFunctionByIndex(uint index)
Gets a global function by its index
- getGlobalFunctionCount
asUINT getGlobalFunctionCount()
Gets the amount of global functions
- getGlobalPropertyByIndex
void getGlobalPropertyByIndex(uint index, string name, string namespace, int typeId, bool isConst, string configGroup, void* ptr, asDWORD accessMask)
Gets a global property by its index
- getGlobalPropertyCount
asUINT getGlobalPropertyCount()
Gets the count of global properties
- getGlobalPropertyIndexByDecl
int getGlobalPropertyIndexByDecl(string decl)
Gets the index of a global property by its declaration
- getGlobalPropertyIndexByName
int getGlobalPropertyIndexByName(string name)
Gets the index of a global property by its name
- getModule
Module getModule(string name, ModuleCreateFlags flags)
Gets a module in the engine by name
- getModule
Module getModule(asUINT index)
Gets a module in the engine by index
- getModuleCount
asUINT getModuleCount()
Gets the count of modules
- getProperty
asPWORD getProperty(asEEngineProp property)
- registerEnum
void registerEnum()
Registers a D enum in Angelscript
- registerEnum
void registerEnum(string type)
- registerEnumValue
void registerEnumValue(string type, string name, int value)
Registers a value for the enum
- registerGlobalFunction
void registerGlobalFunction(string declaration, T func, void* aux)
Register a global function
- registerGlobalProperty
void registerGlobalProperty(string declaration, T pointer)
Registers a global property
- registerObjectBehaviour
void registerObjectBehaviour(string dataType, asEBehaviours behaviour, string decl, T func, asDWORD callConv, void* aux)
Registers a behaviour for an object
- registerObjectMethod
void registerObjectMethod(string obj, string decl, T func, asDWORD callConv, void* aux)
Registers a method for an object
- registerObjectProperty
void registerObjectProperty(string obj, string decl, int byteOffset)
Registers a property for an object
- registerObjectType
void registerObjectType(string name, int byteSize, asDWORD flags)
- registerStringFactory
void registerStringFactory(string type, asGETSTRINGCONSTFUNC_t getStr, asRELEASESTRINGCONSTFUNC_t releaseStr, asGETRAWSTRINGDATAFUNC_t getRawStr)
Registers a string factory type with the specified creation functions
- release
int release()
- setDefaultNamespace
void setDefaultNamespace(string namespace)
Sets the default namespace
- setMessageCallback
void setMessageCallback(MessageCallback callback)
Sets the message callback
- setProperty
void setProperty(asEEngineProp property, asPWORD value)
- shutDownAndRelease
int shutDownAndRelease()
Shuts down the scripting engine and releases it
- writeMessage
void writeMessage(string section, int row, int col, MessageType type, string message)
Undocumented in source.