1 module as.mod;
2 import as.def;
3 import as.engine;
4 import as.func;
5 import std..string;
6 import as.stream;
8 enum ModuleCreateFlags : asEGMFlags {
9     /**
10         Only load the module if it exists
11     */
12     OnlyIfExists = asEGMFlags.asGM_ONLY_IF_EXISTS,
14     /**
15         Try to create the module if it doesn't exist
16     */
17     CreateIfNotExists = asEGMFlags.asGM_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS,
19     /**
20         Always create the module, overwriting old modules with the same name
21     */
22     AlwaysCreate = asEGMFlags.asGM_ALWAYS_CREATE
23 }
25 class Module {
26 private:
27     ScriptEngine engine;
29     ~this() {
30         this.engine = null;
31     }
33 package(as):
34     asIScriptModule* mod;
36     this(ScriptEngine engine, asIScriptModule* mod) {
37         this.engine = engine;
38         this.mod = mod;
39     }
41 public:
43     /**
44         Gets the engine this module belongs to
45     */
46     ScriptEngine getEngine() {
47         return engine;
48     }
50     /**
51         Sets the name of the module
52     */
53     void setName(string name) {
54         asModule_SetName(mod, name.toStringz);
55     }
57     /**
58         Gets the name of the module
59     */
60     string getName() {
61         return cast(string)asModule_GetName(mod).fromStringz;
62     }
64     /**
65         Discards the module, removing it from the engine
66     */
67     void discard() {
68         asModule_Discard(mod);
69     }
71     /**
72         Adds a script section to the module
73     */
74     void addScriptSection(string name, string code, int lineOffset = 0) {
75         int err = asModule_AddScriptSection(mod, name.toStringz, code.toStringz, code.length, lineOffset);
76     }
78     /**
79         Builds scripts
80     */
81     void build() {
82         int err = asModule_Build(mod);
83         assert(err != asERetCodes.asINVALID_CONFIGURATION, "Invalid configuration");
84         assert(err != asERetCodes.asERROR, "Failed to compile script");
85         assert(err != asERetCodes.asBUILD_IN_PROGRESS, "Another thread is currently building");
86         assert(err != asERetCodes.asINIT_GLOBAL_VARS_FAILED, "Unable to initialize at least one global variable");
87         assert(err != asERetCodes.asNOT_SUPPORTED, "Compiler support disabled");
88         assert(err != asERetCodes.asMODULE_IS_IN_USE, "Code is in use and can't be removed");
89     }
91     /**
92         Saves bytecode to a ubyte array
93     */
94     ubyte[] saveByteCode(bool stripdebugInfo = false) {
95         BinaryStream* stream = BinaryStream.create();
96         asModule_SaveByteCode(mod, stream.stream, stripdebugInfo);
97         return stream.buffer.dup;
98     }
100     /**
101         Loads bytecode
102     */
103     void loadByteCode(ubyte[] buffer, bool* wasDebugInfoStripped = null) {
104         BinaryStream* stream = BinaryStream.create();
105         stream.buffer = buffer;
106         int err = asModule_LoadByteCode(mod, stream.stream, wasDebugInfoStripped);
107         assert(err != asERetCodes.asINVALID_ARG, "Stream not specified");
108         assert(err != asERetCodes.asBUILD_IN_PROGRESS, "Build is in progress already");
109         assert(err != asERetCodes.asOUT_OF_MEMORY, "Out of memory");
110         assert(err != asERetCodes.asMODULE_IS_IN_USE, "Code is in use and can't be removed");
111         assert(err != asERetCodes.asERROR, "It was not possible to load the bytecode");
112     }
114     /**
115         Gets function count
116     */
117     asUINT getFunctionCount() {
118         return asModule_GetFunctionCount(mod);
119     }
121     /**
122         Gets a function by index
123     */
124     Function getFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) {
125         return new Function(engine, asModule_GetFunctionByIndex(mod, index));
126     }
128     /**
129         Gets function by declaration
130     */
131     Function getFunctionByDecl(string decl) {
132         return new Function(engine, asModule_GetFunctionByDecl(mod, decl.toStringz));
133     }
135     /**
136         Gets function by name
137     */
138     Function getFunctionByName(string name) {
139         return new Function(engine, asModule_GetFunctionByName(mod, name.toStringz));
140     }
141 }